Many Smiles

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

She played under the magnolia
On a thousand petals it cast down;
And she was a little princess
With bouncing curls for a crown.

Or had we fallen under a spell
Of a charming springtime fairy,
Who had found her favorite tree
In that urban sanctuary?

It made no difference to us—
Loyal subjects or just entranced—
For all were granted many smiles
By this lovely creature who danced.


Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

In those three rings,
Are many things
To watch with widened eyes.

On that high wire,
They dare aspire,
To wring from us our cries.

With those ten clowns,
The audience drowns
In laughter and surprise.

At its mad roar,
Our fears do soar—
This tamer is unwise!

From first to last,
Our breath has passed,
In shaky compromise.

Note to Josie: Your first circus—the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey: Dragons!  You loved it.